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AK47 Assault Rifle

AK47 Folding Stock Assault Rifle


AUS EF88 rifle or carbine

AUS Steyr F88 Carbine or Rifle

AUS Steyr F88A1 Carbine or Rifle (Picatinny rail and detachable sight)

AUS Steyr GLA (Grenade Launching Attachment)

Australian L1A1 SLR

Australian SAS Cutdown SLR Vietnam


Colt M16A2/M203 (with 40mm grenade launcher)

Colt M4 (varying versions)

Colt M4/203QC (with 40mm grenade launcher)

Daniel Defence Mk18 M4 rifle

FN FAL 7.62mm battle rifle

HK 416 5.56mm Assault rifle

HK 417 7.62mm Assault rifle

HK G3 7.62mm Assault rifle (German Armed Forces)

Knights Armament Stand Alone 40mm M203 Grenade launcher

SIG MCX RATTLER rifle in .300 blackout (replacement for the MP5)

SIG MCX VIRTUS rifle in .300 blackout

UK SA80 Assault Rifle

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